Famous Last Words - 'Tis a little bittersweet.

'Tis a little bittersweet.

I decided that for my last post I would do this extra credit.

It is always interesting to look back on one's journey. When I first started this class I will admit I was overwhelmed with what looked to be a lot of work. Now upon completion I don't feel that way. Perhaps because the work is almost finished. I think it is more that I know I have grown as a writer and student because of this class. For example I am now aware of how much I overused commas! I wanted to use commas like there was a competition on how often you can throw a comma into a sentence. I was using them wrong too! Oh it was bad. In fact, I even just had to delete an incorrectly placed comma. HAHA. I am still learning.

I also realized through this class that I may be harder on myself than necessary. Either that or you all really did a great job pretending to like my stories. Although I did request that you at least pretend. I loved reading the feedback over the semester. So much of it was uplifting and supportive. As much as I hated critiquing other people's work, those were the comments I loved reading most. It gave me ideas on how to improve, and I appreciated the thoughts and efforts that went into formalizing those comments.

What I enjoyed most about this class?

Professor Gibbs.

It is so wonderful having an educator that is so selfless with her time. Who is always giving away supportive messages. I loved Revisions because you could really tell she was interested in your story (no matter how bad it may have been haha). She always said something positive when referencing a part of our stories. I wished I could have met in real life, I bet she has graciousness and generosity just flowing from her aura. I already have my grade in this class. In fact we all do. We all controlled our grade and it was because of how she set this class up. and us. For success, not failure. So know that I am not brown-nosing. I was so impressed with your teaching technique.

So BRAVO Professor Gibbs.

It was a WONDERFUL semester. It was a MAGNIFICENT class.

Thanks for teaching me about comma splices and comma placement.


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