Week 8 Comments and Feedback
Feedback In
I have really enjoyed reading the comments left by other students. It is rewarding to know that they have read something I wrote. No matter how bad I feel it was. Most everyone will initiate the feedback process by saying something nice. Next, they may follow up with a suggestion on what they may have been confused about or to change. Typically, the comment wraps around and ends with a positive they liked about the story. I think this is a good technique and it makes reading feedback not so scary.
Feedback Out
I hope that other students enjoy reading my feedback as much as I enjoy reading them. I have found that I choose the comments for extra credit. It gives me an opportunity to read other student's material and this gives me ideas how to construct a story that I hadn't considered yet. I tend to also follow the structure that I mentioned above. I really enjoy using the TAG comment style. It helps that the TAG has suggestions on how to start the sentence. I am able to find answers to the those suggestions, and leave a better comment then I would have just writing feedback on my own
Blog Comments
I love reading student's post and I do feel I am getting to know them. Particularly through the "author's note". I should probably do a better "author's note" now that I just realized this haha.
I think my Introduction post gives an OK idea to who I am. It is a little impersonal I think, and I don't know why I did not add a photo of my dog Keeka???!!! He is my pride and joy but it was not until reading other Intro Post that I realized it would have been a great idea. So here are some photos of Keeka, he is my 2 year old Yorkie. His parents are my parents 2 dogs. One Big Happy Family!

Keeka Being Naughty: Keeka in Contemplation
Personal Photo
Keeka :) Personal Photo
Hey EmKay! I agree with you, having other people comment and leave their opinions on posts help improve our writing and so far for the most part people have been kind. Everyone has been posting their pics of their dogs! I am jealous. It makes me want to adopt a dog right now, but I do not have the time to take care of a dog. Maybe in a year or so I can adopt a dog? Your dog is really cute! Good luck with everything and hope this year goes well for you!