Story Lab- Hemingway Interview
Ernest Hemingway, The Art of Fiction No. 21Interview by: George Plimpton Spring 1958
I will share something that does not quite make sense.
I love Hemingway, but have not yet read any of his fictional books. What I love about Hemingway is his life. It began when I read his memoir A moveable Feast. I loved reading about this early 1920's era of Picasso, Zelda, Paris, and Scott Fitzgerald. I loved reading about Hemingway and his first wife Hadley. Their tiny apartment in Paris, and his beginning days. I loved his memoir and encourage everyone to read it.
I loved it so much that when I visited Paris I retraced some of his steps from his book. I ate at a cafe that he mentioned. I walked for a long time trying to find their first apartment. It may seem rather touristy but I loved it. I enjoy reading about Hemingway. I know I should read his novels because that would be one more way to get to know this man. It is not an obsession I have of him. Just a short phase of immense interest.
So I read an interview with him for this story lab. It was released in 1958 and I feel people spoke and wrote differently during that time. It is rather interesting and I encourage anyone reading this to read it.
In reference to writing:
"When you stop you are as empty, and at the same time never empty but filling, as when you have made love to someone you love. Nothing can hurt you, nothing can happen, nothing means anything until the next day when you do it again." -Hemingway
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