Reading Notes: Epified Krishna Videos Part B

Epified Krishna Videos
Part B Reading Notes

Krishna humbles Brahma- While gazing cows Brahma saw Krishna sharing food with his friends and wondered why a God would share his food from same plate. He tested Krishna. Kidnapped his friends. Krishna wanted to teach Brahma a lesson, and recreated everyone Brahma kidnapped.

Krishna Rides Hastin- When Krishna was with friends, his elder brother wanted to kill bull, Hastin. an extremely violent bull. Krishna told his brother that they should not kill the bull, and that he would come to ride the bull. No one believed it. Krishna played the flute for Hastin and snuck him food. Hastin eventually became calmer and docile, and Krishna rode Hastin. Everyone was shocked.

The Savior of Dharma- Radha and Krishna could not spend even a moment apart. He asked his mother to marry Rodha, but his mother refused. He went to the family priest, and was told that he could not marry Rodha. He revealed the truth of his birth and they he is the deliverer of the people. He was very sad that he could not marry Rodha.

Akrur Invites Krishna- Kamsa tries one final trick to capture Krishna. Kamsa sends Akrur to Krishna and invite him to an event by Kamsa. He tells Krishna the truth, that Kamsa plans to kill Krishna at the event.

Krishna's Farewell- Krishna goes to mathura, but the people of his village try to stop him. The people were miserable when he left. Akrur saw Krishna as Vishnu.

Krishna arrives at Mathura- Krishna arrives in mathura and people talked about them. They made friends. Stories of Krishna's kindness spread around the city. An old deformed women approached him, as she knew he could heal her, as fated. She told him he needed to be healed, and he embraced her. When he released her, she was healed. Kamsa realized Krishna was in the city.

Krishna kills Kuvalayapida- Kamsa realizes his prophecy was coming true. He knew he had one last chance to get rid of Krishna. He planned to use an elephant that everyone was scared of.  The elephant attacked Krishna. But Krishna flung the elephant away. Everyone praised Krishna's victory. Kamsa knew his last plan had failed.

Krishna Kills Kamsa- Krishna is attacked again, and he wins easily. He and his brother attempted the challenge of lifting the Devine bull. Krishna lifted it easily. Kamsa orders his army to kill Krishna. Kamsa tried to flee before Krishna and his brother killed his army. Kamsa was outnumbered, and eventually die at the hands of Krishna.

Freedom for Mathura- Everyone was happy that the evil king was dead. Akrur lead Krishna to his birth parents. he lead them out of the prison.

Dwarka-  New enemies arrive.


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