Week 6 Story: Sita's Journal...Full of Blues For Many Lives

See this story at my Portfolio

Entry 1

I am starting a journal.  I am overwhelmed, and that is an understatement. It is going to seem surreal and crazy. I can hardly believe it myself, but it's true. So if you find yourself reading MY journal, and think that it is all made up, remember this:

1. This is MY journal! Why are you reading it???
2. Drop the journal, and back way slowly. Do not think that I will not come though these pages for you! Apparently I am a BIG deal, so I don't see why I shouldn't be able to leap off these pages over you doubting me!

Oh! Thats right, I haven't told you the earth-shattering news yet, Journal. It seems that I have re-lived the SAME life many times and throughout many decades. Starting in the 5th Century BCE!
It's 2019!!!!!
I can hardly wrap my own head around this. I need to go lay down. Ill catch you up on more later!

Entry 2

Ok, I'm back. I know I started off to a rambling start, so allow me to begin again. I am 16 years old, and my birthday was last week. I went to the zoo with my boyfriend, who everyone calls Ram, his brother Luke, and some other friends.  While we were walking around the zoo I accidentally wandered off by myself- as I tend to do occasionally. I ended up in front of the monkeys, because I have always been fascinated with monkeys.
Now, allow me to clarify, I have been to this zoo many times.
Maybe that is why I wanted to come for my 16th birthday, because it is nostalgic for me.
So there I was by the monkeys when one them turned to me and SPOKE!!
This is the part that is surreal and crazy, and is making me feel a little crazy.

The monkey turned around and said "Sarah, I have an important message for you, come back in 6 days when the Sun just begins to peak out of the horizon. This is the best time to receive the message I have to give."

Then he simply turned around, and resumed doing whatever it is that monkeys do. As for me?
I screamed.
Then I fainted.
And THEN I woke up in the hospital.
*Happy Sweet 16*
After I returned home I thought I must have dreamed the whole thing. Right?
Well-oh, my Mom just called me for dinner. Ill be back later!

Entry 3

Hey Journal! As you know, I've opened you up many times to write, but I just didn't know what to say! How do I tell this story? I must be crazy, or insane? I had some dormant illness that activated when I turned 16? I can't even tell my parents about this. At first I couldn't even tell Ram or Luke.I mean I thought about telling Ram at first, because he is so kind and thoughtful.  Or even Luke, we have been good friends for a while, he is like a protector to me.  I googled it, and I am to scared to even repeat what I read about people who think animals talk. uugghhhhh. These shouldn't be my thoughts at 16!!!

Entry 4

So the night before I returned to the zoo, at the butt-crack of dawn, I decided I was going to do it.

I thought to myself "Whats the worse that can happen? Im arrested for trespassing? An animal actually talks to me? They commit me to a psych ward?" Sheesh! I need to take a break, more to come soon!

Entry 5

So where were we? oh ya...

HOLY MOLEY, Journal!!! It was so crazy when I went back. I knew then that I was not crazy!


Here is what happened.
When I got to the zoo, I crept up to the entrance, and the gate was wide open!! Anyone could have walked in!
So I did.
When I made it to the area full of monkeys, there was only one monkey outside, and he spoke as soon as I reached the cage.

"Sarah, you are brave, and I am glad you returned. That was a very wise decision." said the monkey.

"How can you speak? You're a monkey!" I asked

"My name is Hanuman, and I am no ordinary monkey, and you are no ordinary girl. You have been referred to by many names over the decades, since the 5th century BCE, and your current one is Sarah, but a popular previous name is Sita."

I didn't know what to say, Journal! As soon as he...it?...ehhh what is a talking monkey? Anyway as soon as he said "Sita", I felt the rightness of it reverberate though my bones. I just knew this was crazy, but TRUE.

He went on explaining "The time has come for you to resume your duties as wife to Rama. For now you know him as Ram. His brother Luke, or Lakshmana, will accompany you both as well. All three of you must travel to India to claim your rightful throne. I know this must be hard for you to understand, but these are the lives the Gods have chosen for you. You and Rama are very important to many people, in many different countries.
You, Sita, represent what it is to be a good wife. You also teach people how to be loyal and faithful, even when times are tough.
Rama represents compassion, he never lies, and always chooses to focus on the good in people.
Lakshmana will help protect you both, as you ascend on this journey.
Now, hurry, you must all go to India! Do not worry, the Gods are going to prepare a way. You will leave in two days time.
Tell Rama all I have said, and he will believe you, as you are the light of his life now and many times past."

To say I was stupefied, is to say the least. He must have know because lastly he said

"Sita, all will be revealed to you within the next two days, do not worry. You and I will meet again at the place called Sri Lanka. I will be there to help you and Rama reclaim all that belongs to you. Not only in this life, but in every life, we shall continue to meet.

Author's Notes: This was the story I started last week and was unable to finish and submit. I wanted to finish it. I started with an idea of Sita time traveling, and then it evolved. I no longer wanted time travel, instead I wanted to focus on her having many lives. Characters are often reborn, and I thought it would be interesting if she re-lived the same life over and over again. She was to do this because hers and Rama's story is important and necessary for the development of peoples moral compass.
I chose to go off the video Sita Sings the Blues.

Sita Sings the Blues - by Nina Paley


  1. Hi Meranda! I'd like to start off by saying I love your usage of butt crack of dawn. Out of this whole story, that got me. I also really enjoyed your diary-entry-esque writing style and how it is all broken up. In some ways it makes it easier to read as you can separate it in your mind while also taking it in with different chunks. It also makes it seem really long which might just have to also do with the font size? Who knows. Overall, I really enjoyed reading it and getting your sense of humor out of it.

  2. Hi Meranda! The diary aspect/ first-person perspective really helps the story have a personal touch with the reader. There is something automatically suspenseful reading someone's diary. I think this style also makes it much easier to follow because it is broken up, even though it might be the same amount of writing as the other stories. I think incorporating the reborn aspect and this modern twist was creative! Great job and I look forward to reading more!

  3. Hi Merenda!
    I like the diary! It provides such a unique perspective you would not get any other way. It also gives it an easy pace. I also like the mysterious illness at 16 and she cannot tell anyone about it. It reminded me of the phase the young adult books went through after Hunger Games and Divergent. The only issue I had with this was that she is 16 and she is so young to be sneaking away and getting married in today's society. She hasn't even graduated, but its not that big of a deal.

  4. Hi Meranda!
    I really liked reading your story. The idea of telling Sita's story through her journal entries made it fun and different to read. We can really see the thoughts that were running through her head. It was cool seeing a story that focuses on her perspective. I thought it was interesting to see her as a teenager in modern times! I also liked your use of humor in the story! It was funny to see how Sarah reacted to the monkeys and thinking she was going crazy. Overall I really enjoyed your story and I'm looking forward to reading more of your stuff!


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