Reading Notes:Narayan's Mahabharata Part A

Narayan's Mahabharata

Reading Notes:

page 4: story idea about Amba. She was stolen by Bhishma along with her two sisters, and were to marry his brother. However she confessed to loving another, Salwa, so Bhishma sent her away to him. However, he rejected her and sent her back to Bhishma, who then sent her back to Salwa, who kept rejecting her! The torment this young girl must have endured. She needs another story.

The three personalities of the Mahabharata are Dhrutarashtra(born blind), Pandu(born pallid), and Vidura(born normal to a servant girl)

 Lifetime family feud between the Pandavas (5 sons of God's born to Landu's 2 wives) and the 100 son's of Dhritarashtra. page 10 Pandu died during intercourse.

Duryodhana' several assassination attempts on Bhima, who bullied him.

All of these boys in the arena showing of their skills, and fighting among one another....reminds me of a school yard and young boys, playing  a game, making up new rules that benefits their team as the game progresses. The the other team will say No, thats not fair. and the first team will say "Ya-huh!". so the 2nd team will retaliate and make a rule that will favor them. At some point someone pushes someone and a teacher makes them all sit on the ground, in a row, no longer playing, as punishment,

I like the story of Drona and seemed just, and the perfect revenge. Specially how it was wrapped in the form of friendship. page 15


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