Feedback Strategies Week 3

Be a Mirror: Give Readers Feedback That Foster a Growth Mindset by Gravity Goldberg

I like that this article gave some specific ways in which to give constructive feedback. Here are a few I will try to remember.

1. Focus on what the reader is doing, not on what is missing.
2. Focus on process, to show value for the work the writer put in.
3. Take yourself out of the feedback. Refrain from saying "I like how.." or "I think...", rather use "When you.." or similar.

What Kinds of Messages Help Kids Grow 

1.Replace generic praise with process praise- I appreciate this idea. Rather than giving generic praise such as "good job" or "way to go!", it mentions to give specific praise, so that the individual can take that information and use it in the future, turning it into teaching moments. It mentions to tie their success in with their actions. Instead of saying Nice Picture, maybe saying, I like how you used certain colors. This article helped me realize that while, yes, it is great to give praise, but specific praise is more valuable and reusable information.


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